Quran 30 for 30 Seerah Edition


All praise is due to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be upon
the final Messenger Muhammad and all those who follow his way
with righteousness until the end of time. The Qur’an 30for30 series
began as a YouTube series during the pandemic in Ramadan 1441 h.
The purpose of the series is to help connect Muslims with the Qur’an and

understand its message on a deeper level. Alhamdulillah, the first two sea-
sons of the series have reached and benefited millions of people, and the

first ebook has also reached and benefited tens of thousands of readers.

This second ebook is based on the second season of Qur’an 30for30 re-
corded in Ramadan 1442 h. However, it is not a word-for-word transcription

of the series. Instead, we have decided to take the core ideas of that series
and build our content around it in a way that does not repeat the content of
Book One. The second season of Qur’an 30for30 focused on the seerah of the
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, which will be the primary focus of this book.
We have divided this book into thirty chapters, each focusing on one juz of
the Qur’an. Book One gave a brief summarized thematic overview of each
juz. This second book instead will focus on a few verses only from each juz.
We have carefully selected those verses that have a strong link to the seerah
or well-known reasons for revelation.
The goal is to show the importance of the seerah in tafsir. In this way, verses
can be understood contextually, in a way that helps understand when and
why they were revealed. Due to the brief nature of this work, we are only
able to focus on a few verses per juz. We hope that this glimpse into the

world of tafsir inspires our readers to seek out more knowledge in this bless-
ed field of study.

In the feedback we received from Book One, we learned that readers want

a deeper understanding of the Qur’an. We hope to provide that understand-
ing, and build upon it, with each new book in this series. To assist the read-
ers in getting the maximum benefit from this book, we have included in this

introduction some key terms related to this important field of knowledge.

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