Ajza al-Qur’an (Ustadh Asif Uddin)


Ajza alquran.pdf

The Qurʾān is our main connection with Allāh. It is like a rope hanging down from

the heavens for the inhabitants of the earth to cling onto. It is what makes us Mus-
lims and shapes our character and identity. Despite knowing the importance it has

in our lives, many of us have fallen short in understanding it to the extent that
very few Muslims who claim to commit the Dīn have not read the translation of the

Qurʾān. It is for this reason, these course notes have been designed to bridge the re-
lationship between the Allāh the Master of all of the universe and us, his slaves.

There are two main ways of studying the Qurʾān from an overview perspective.
The first way is to study the Qurʾān Sūrah by Sūrah. The second way is to study the
Qurʾān Juzʿ by Juzʿ. This can be either by studied by hizb or rukūʾ.
How was the Qurʾān divided?
The Qurʾān was divided into portions to ease process of reading.
The Quran has been divided into 30 sections, each one is called juzʿ (pl. ajzāʿ) or para
(pl. supara). Each juz has been divided either into Hizb (more popularly used in Arab
countries) and Rukūʾ (widely used in the Asian subcontinent). Each juz has 2 hizb
and each hizb consists of four quarters which is based on the measurement of the
hizb. Whilst there are 540 Rukūʾs in the Qurʾān divided according to topics.

This course will be looking at each juzʿ with the hizb system, but incorporating as-
pects of the rukūʾ system by dividing it according to topics.

Please note that the topics and verses mentioned on the diagrams cannot always be
represented accurately. This is to ensure that there isn’t too much information on
one diagram and hence become unnecessarily overwhelming for the reader. If this
does occur, this will be pointed out during the course. So please bear in mind that
the diagrams must be supplemented with the delivery of the instructor.
May Allāh make us from the people of the Qurʾān.

Asif Uddin

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