A Guide for the Reciter (Qāri` Saleem Gaibie)





This book is intended for the beginner in tajwīd. The term
beginner is used loosely as it still requires him to at least be
familiar with the letters of the Arabic alphabet before being able
to take maximum benefit from this book.
The book aims at equipping the student with all the basic rules
and theory of tajwīd and therefore won’t present too many
examples as its focus is the theory. Thus without saying, even
though the student will get to understand the theory with the aid
of this book he requires an able teacher for the practical aspects
of tajwīd.
Even though this book is in an English medium since it is aimed
at the English speaking person, it will maintain many of the
technical terms used in tajwīd which are originally in Arabic. By
translating absolutely everything into English the true essence
and luster of tajwīd is lost.
This is the first in a series of books. This book is aimed at
simplifying the rules of tajwīd for the beginner. Only after
understanding and mastering the first book should the student
attempt the second. The second book will be written on a higher
level; to understand it the pupil should first master the first book.
In this manner, by completing all the books in this series, the
student would be exposed to all aspects concerning tajwīd being
deliberated in the international arena and by experts alike.
Many of the rules written in this book are not necessarily how it
is documented by scholars and experts in the field of tajwīd. The
reason for this is that the book is aimed at being comprehensive
and all-encompassing. If presented exactly as found in other
books, many discussions which are to come in the rest of this
series on tajwīd will not be properly understood. By studying this
book the student doesn’t need to refer to another book. This is


because other English works in tajwīd have always neglected
certain areas in this science. The pupil using these books as aids
will get to understand every possible aspect pertaining to the
science of tajwīd.
During the various chapters I have placed invaluable notes
(NOTE:) which are of utmost importance that the student take
due care that he learns them. They are of strategic importance for
the student in understanding the science and future discussions
still to come.

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