365 Tips To Help You Teach The Qur’an (Is’Haaq Jasat)



365 Tips To Help You Teach The Qur’an


The purpose of this book is to provide daily inspiration and guidance for anyone who wishes to teach the Qur’an.This book aims to centralise the teaching tips into one concise book and aims to be the ultimate Qur’an teaching handbook for anyone who wishes to teach the Qur’an. In this book, each daily tip is explained further; which gives the reader a more detailed guidance of how to practically implement each teaching tip into real life. We have also included  52 inspiring teaching quotes of the week, to help motivate the reader further!


Qari Is’Haaq Jasat is the founder of National Huffadh Association UK. At the age of 12, he  memorised the Qur’an and has been actively involved in teaching Qur’an for 15 years, including three years as a Madrasah Principal in London. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Law and has been teaching across the secondary school sector for 10 years. He attained an internationally recognised Qualified Teacher Status qualification (QTS) from the University of East London. Most recently, Qari Is’Haaq has successfully completed the National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) course.

“The comprehensive and wide-ranging content of this work is remarkably packaged and presented to the reader in a pragmatic manner, making it an indispensable resource for those who wish to teach the Qur’an.”

Shaykh Irfan Sidyot

Educationalist, Author, Teacher of Islamic Sciences, Jamia Siraj ul Uloom

Mainstream & Islamic Educational Consultant

“This book helps collate all the useful skills and tips required to teach Qur’an in one concise place. I highly recommend anyone in the field of teaching Qur’an to take maximum benefit from this book.”

Qari M Yusuf El Badr

International Renowned Qur’an Reciter

Director, El Badr Qur’an Institute UK

“It’s already the best “job” on earth – but what if you could do it even better? Qari Is’Haaq has compiled an excellent resource, full of tips and advices, to help you improve and get more out of your experience of teaching the Quran. A must read!”

Qari Idrees Ally

Founder of ReciteinTune.com (Canada)


Price : £12.99

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