A Guide to Memorising the Qur’an (Shaykh Nagib Khan)




All Praise is to Allah, the Protector of the final Message, which
was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through the
Angel Jibreel. May Peace and Blessings be upon the final
Messenger, his family, companions and all those who follow him
until the Last Hour.
Surely, to have the divine words of Allah, in the exact form as
revealed over fourteen hundred years ago is a great miracle in
As Allah Himself has taken the responsibility of protecting the
Qur’an, He through His great knowledge and wisdom has used –
and continues to use – numerous methods to preserve the
Qur’an from all aspects of alteration.
One of the most common methods which Allah has used to
protect and preserve the Qur’an is through allowing His servants
to commit the Qur’an to memory. Throughout history, many
individuals have memorised the entire Qur’an and people have
keep on doing so up until today, and God willing, will keep on
doing so until the Last Day.
This is a special favour bestowed upon this Ummah as previous
nations were not able to memorise their holy scriptures en
masse, thus, we will not find a person who has memorised the
Bible in its entirety nor the Torah but we will definitely find
those who have memorised the Qur’an, not in hundreds or
thousands but in millions spread throughout the corners of the
In this book I have tried to collect and compile some useful
information for those who intend to take up the challenge of

memorising the Qur’an or have already started this blessed task.
One of the contributing factors towards this book was that when
I started the first Hifdh school in Bristol, one very sincere parent
approached me and asked me that he was very interested to enrol
his son into my class but out of curiosity wanted to know what
exactly Hifdh was, was there a set syllabus or study structure or a
guide book, both for the parents and students.
Unfortunately, I had never come across such a manual but totally
agreed with the parent that there should be a guide book or a
manual for those interested or undertaking this great task. With
this I made a firm intention to prepare a Hifdh guide which
would benefit all who will be taking up this great task.
I pray that Allah accepts it and makes it a means of support for
the future students of the Qur’an.
I would like to acknowledge and thank all my teachers especially
Shaykh Yahya Patel, who patiently supported me through my own
memorising of the Qur’an.
In this book I have tried to answer many questions which parents
and students normally have when either intending to start the
memorisation of the Qur’an or during the actual course of the
memorisation. I have also included some other important
information for the benefit of the Hafidh.
May Allah accept this effort which He enabled me to make.
Nagib Khan.
23 August 2006

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